Another interesting development since using the wand.. Went to eye Dr for annual exam today. I've worn glasses since 8 yrs old.. switched to contacts in 1980. I'm 68 years old. Things have been very blurry the last couple weeks reading with my reading glasses.. was kinda worried. However, it appears my has vision IMPROVED. My prescription hardly ever changes.. and not for the better! Areas in my eyes he noted last year, are improved or not there! I don't know if it's the wand but nothing else has changed in my health to attribute this to. He seemed surprised. At my age, it rarely happens. In a few weeks I'm having routine blood tests... we'll see how those results are!!
Margy Anderson
I recieved the Iteracare classic wand a few days before Christmas. My experience has been pretty great with this device! I've been aware of frequency healing for quite awhile and couldn't wait to try this. Here's my personal experiences so far.
A ganglion cyst I had on my wrist has pretty much disappeared- it is barely there. Also, a benign cyst in my breast that has been there for many years is shrinking. A lump in my arm that's been there for at least 4 years (fatty tumor) has shrunk from about an inch long to about 3/4 of an inch long. And my skin!!!!! It's really smooth! Sun spots and discolorations are fading and texture is softer and smoother. It also seems much firmer to me. My hip pain which I've had on and off for years is non- existant. Except for one evening of wearing heels, and the wand made the achiness go away! Some other things- an ingrown hair that I was concerned I'd have to have lasered off - is also almost completely gone. My period was the most painless and easiest that I can ever recall. That's been a long term issue for me. Energy and clarity are extremely heightened. Both my husband and I noticed that everything seems more pronounced and brighter.
Some caution is definitely needed when you're starting out. My husband went too fast and too long of a session at the beginning and had some unpleasant detoxing symptoms. But, he's doing better now and an arm injury he had prior had stopped hurting completely. We are still working on his back pain and it is slowly decreasing so we are very hopeful that this will help.
So, go SLOW at first. It's like you're getting a tune up but you can't do it all at once! I love it!!!! It's difficult for me to take a day off! I took some before and after pictures. They are taken about two and a half weeks apart. I just washed my face in both photos- no makeup or moisturizer. I included the black and white photos because I think it really demonstrates the differences in my pores and texture.
I should probably add that I've been doing the basic wand protocols about 10- 15 minutes, twice a day usually. I take an extra couple minutes to concentrate on particular areas. I drink 6 to 8 glasses of charged water a day. And, I spray my face daily with the water. I have stopped using my usual skin care regime and that's all I'm doing now. Hope this helps someone!
Amy Barone
I bought my Classic Wand on November 14th.. As recommended I began with wanding my water. I’ve noticed that drinking structured water daily has aided in better absorption of my dopamine protocol of Mucuna and 99% LDopa. Additionally, I’d had upper and lower back pain for more than 10 months. A weak lower back, and stabbing upper back pain. In just three days my pain and discomfort were reduced by 80% and completely gone in 10 days. I spent less than 15 minutes each day wanding. To date my upper back/neck is free of pain, and my lower back weakness remains resolved as long as I continue to Wand. I think my parkinson’s gait aggravates my lower back causing re-inflammation requiring maintenance.
Another benefit that was immediately clear was the added energy, and I mean lots of energy, that seemed to significantly reduce my bradykinesia (slowness of movement). Now for the bad news, the added energy created an uptick in my tremor initially but I’ve since resolved that by reducing wanding time and learning the protocol my body accepts. I use a lower setting (#2) more often.
During the last two weeks I've noticed some relief in rigidity. That's new and I'll be posting more about it overtime. To date it hasn't decreased my tremor, but I'm optimistic it will eventually.
Connie Silver
Hi everyone! So let me tell you a little bit about me I’m a hairstylist of 30 yrs and 2.5 years ago I got a tear in my gluteus minimus and a tear in my hip labrum I’ve been in a lot of pain standing behind the chair. On December 19 I got an MRI because I had a lot of back pain. I was diagnosed with arthritis, bulging disc in the middle of my back, lower disc disease, narrowing of the lower spine, and my right hip is shorter than my left leg, yep I’m a hot mess! I just got my wand in yesterday, and I wanded myself. And for the first time in a long time I was able to sit without hurting and I was able to cross my right leg without being in pain! And I went to bed without taking anything for pain medication and I slept all night!! 🙌🙌🙌 I can’t wait to be pain free!!
Laura Casey
So, our sweet kitten, Locksley had me so worried! He wouldn't eat for 3 days and was vomiting but nothing really coming up. I was really concerned that he eat ate something he should not have ( he loves getting into whatever he can at 5 months old) and possibly had an obstruction or poisoning. I called different local vets and could not get in anywhere and our regular vet has retired. So, I was able to sneak the terahertz frequency wand on him for about 30 seconds. He's still wary of it but the bravest of all of our cats. He started to purr almost immediately and went to his bowl of food. He ate a tiny bit. Since then he's gotten 4 very short sessions. He sits patiently now slightly timid but with curiosity and kind of sticks his chest out. Today he is back to eating almost regularly and completely back to chasing the other cats tails and being his playful self. It has only been a little over 24 hours! I am so grateful for this gift. We love this boy so much!
Amy Barone
My husband has ALS. This was the initial reason we started using the wand. But he also has a bad shoulder. It has a partial rotator cuff tear, a partial tendon, tear, osteoarthritis, and a lot of inflammation. They recommended a total shoulder replacement, but we said no We have really been focusing on using the wand on his shoulder. He attended his physical therapy appointment last week, and the physical therapist could not believe the mobility that he has gained in his shoulder. He saw another physical therapist today, and she said the same thing. His shoulder was very close to being frozen a couple months ago. We can only attribute that to using the wand. Excited to see what other symptoms we can alleviate.
Gayle Richardson
Hey just thought I would share I've had psoriasis for 20 years ive tryed so many different things I was shocked when I noticed back of arm had gone down and its normally burning I've been having the charged water and just been doing the 1st protical for 10 minutes this is 1 months of using the wand ❤️
I've also notice that the little splits on my heels from wearing flip flops or nothing on my feet have healed up to 😁
Jess Rowlands
Note: The above testimonials are taken from public notice boards used by Iteracare wand users to explain and help other users and potential users of their experiences.
Terahertz Australia cannot verify the accuracy or otherwise of the above statements